Monday, March 28, 2011

Oh sweet weekend...How I miss thee!

 My Day started out pretty good yesterday. I got all did up and was feeling ready. Ready for some sweet fashion deals. Ive been keeping my eye out for anything. Im talking shoe, dresses, bags, you name it. So of course I hit up the local buy and sell thrift store first and found these SWEET Carlos Santana Purple leopard boots. ( I had no idea he had a line of anything either!)
 I'm a 6.5 and these boots are a 7. I was very concerned they would be too big so I put them on...Hmmm...a bit thought to myself  "Self, maybe its the snowboard sock you wear all winter that are making them feel tight. Maybe you should take them off." So I went into the dressing room to remove my pants, to remove my sock because my socks went to my knee and skinny jeans just don't leave room for pulling up...Shoes were still too snug. Guess my foot is wider then most women Carlos Santana knows! UGH. Fail!!! So sad. They are so hot!
 I wrapped my day up with a trip to grocery store because basically every attempt at deals or bargins was an EPIC fail the rest of the day. I decided I was going to try and make my grandmothers Broccoli Cheddar soup...EPIC FAIL! my milk didn't cheese separated! It doesn't taste just has a "chewy" consistency. How the crap do you get cheddar cheese to melt without doing that!? Yes, I'm open to suggestions.
There it soup fail...though I'm still eating it because I can't bare to waste it. If it was nasty I'd toss it but crackers help!

So how was your weekend?! 


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