Aw! See this is why we need to be good to each other, beautiful moments like this!!!
So last night was graduation for my boot camp class. It was really great! It was quick, which was even better because all of the other graduations I have attended prior to this go on for hours. It was a really positive experience and I'm so grateful for all the support and love and especially the words of encouragement. I didn't place in the competition but I won in my heard. It was such an great experience and I gave the best presentation I have ever given in my life. I have grown so much over the past couple months and that is the best prize I could ever get. I will take some amazing advice I received last night and enjoy my accomplishments over the holidays. :) Haha ok, moving on...
I have been empty idea wise for new blog content but a friend of mine suggested I talk about my team. I don't know if you are all caught up on who makes up "The Hidden Fox" so ill give you a run down. I, Mimi Fox, Created the company and I also own it. My long time friend Dan Auer is our graphics and computer guy. He is also the guy I brainstorm ideas and strategies with. His wife Cindy is a great filter for design ideas as well and is super supportive. Dan has been a huge supporter of this project from day one. I'm extremely grateful to have his support and dedication...other then Dan and I, we really rely on the Skulk family for the rest. Yes that means YOU!
The Hidden Fox only goes as far as you all take it. We can't do this alone so your support (I feel like I sound similar to a telethon hahah) is extremely important. I received help from my local small business organizations, The Albany/Colonie Chamber of Commerce, friends and family and many others along the way. I have received tons of great advice and support from all over but I/we need you all to help us stay here and grow. So thank you for those who already support us and thank you to future skulk family members. :)
This whole Branding thing is extremely hard, esp if you don't have much experience in it. I look back at my craft business and think "wow this new thing is on such a bigger scale then that." Creating something that you want recognized worldwide is CRAZY! However, it can and WILL be done!
Ok thats all for now! Have a fantastic day! Be good, be safe and be kind to those around you.
THANK YOU TO THE GRADUATING CLASS OF 2011 at the Albany/Colonie Chamber of Commerce!!!
Mimi Fox!
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