Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Foxgiving Eve!!!

We as foxes are super giving and thankful everyday so I am calling today Foxgiving because I would like to thank all of you for being such an amazing, supportive and grateful skulk! 


Though I couldn't change it on the actual artwork. I should get someone on that. Hahaha! Today is going to be a little tricky. I have a lot to do and only a few hours to accomplish it. Its going to be a tricky day and I can already tell by the freezing cold rain that its not my kind of day! I hope all the skulks out there have found warm and dry places to cuddle today. I need to hit up a few PRE Black Friday sales and run a couple quick errands before the event at Some Girls Boutique tonight (where I work part time.) Hey what better way to learn about running my own business then to work in a similar field?! It all comes full circle. There is a method to my madness! 

We have some really great ideas coming through and I can't wait to officially have PRODUCT! I mean its hard to have clothing brand without any clothes! But hey, thats why I write this blog, to document the journey. No company started with everything they needed off the bat. You have to put one puzzling piece together at a time. I can tell you that if owning your own business is right for you, that you will love every step of the process. Of course you will love some steps more then others! 

Ok time to get moving!! Much to do!

May the skulk be with us all today!

Mimi Fox

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