Friday, January 20, 2012

OMG Becky Look At Her Butt!

XO Everyone! Lets jump right into it!

Recently this picture was posted to Facebook.

When I saw it I was immediately hurt. Why? Because I look like this...

Defend me all you want or don't but I see some major similarities. I hear a lot that its more socially acceptable to be skinny. I can tell you that in my 27 years that I have never been socially accepted for being under 100lbs my WHOLE life. I was on a ladder one day in a retail store I used to work at and I all of the sudden feel someones hand on my waist assessing its size and I hear "Oh my God, do you ever eat?"In a VERY snobby voice. Why would anyone think any of that was "ok?"

I was only 18 and at work so I replied with a yes and smiled. Is it ok if I walked up to an "above average" person and grabbed their waist and said "Omg, do you ever stop eating?"All of my life people have made me feel like I should be ashamed of being thin. Men turning me down because I am "too skinny." Strangers, and in one case a doctor, thinking I MUST have an eating disorder. If you know me, you know I LOVE food and eat all day long. Yes it stays down. However, most of you don't know me.

People seem to think when you are skinny your life is perfect. WRONG! I can tell you in my personal experience that I have struggled with health problems, acne, clothing not fitting, etc my whole life. I have cried numerous times trying on bras, tops and denim. Not to mention the negative stares and comments I hear as I walk through the mall or a store. I don't feel its necessary to go through everything with all of you. Thats the point. As a person, its not fair to judge someone. People judge me by assuming I don't eat and that is the only possible reason I am thin. Or is it that I don't eat right? Again, my point. I have told you some and nothing at the same time. Is it fair to assume that "celebs" MUST be teaching the world and the young you HAVE to be thin? Is it maybe that celebs are being taught the wrong things? Im sorry but Keira Knightly is actually VERY healthy indicated by her 6 pack abs. Through out history there have always been different shapes and sizes. Nothing has changed, people have just gotten more openly careless with there sexual side. Where the heck is Audrey in that set of photos? She was always very thin!

My last example is this...There is a girl out there who doesn't like me because of my size. She believes my life is perfect and dislikes me for this. She has never said this to me and would be very surprised to find out the truth. Food for thought below with Miss Jenna Marbles...

We should spend more time working on ourselves and being happy in our own lives then bullying others. Let it flow. Please comment below.

Miss Mimi Fox


  1. one of my best friends in high school was the skinny supermodel type. like six feet tall, SUPER effing skinny. that girl ate like it was her last meal all the time, i shit you not. she didn't throw up or anything though...she just never gained any weight. people CONSTANTLY pulled the same lines on her..."you MUST not eat or something", "you look really gross", etc. so, yeah, she had the perfect body, but she also had her fair share of problems. she was painfully shy, not very good academically, etc. so, she definitely suffered almost as much as someone who is incredibly overweight and she didn't deserve to.

    i have tried to follow jennas philosophy on life through my own weight struggles...i just need to be the best version of me i can be and that's that. no judging, no worrying, no crying because i can't lose these last seven or eight pounds which will STILL only put me at 132. i just need to carry on and do what's healthy and right for me. some people will like me and some people will continue to judge me negatively but, as rupaul says, "what other people think of me is none of my business".

  2. First, Thank you SO MUCH for commenting. Second, *hugs. I feel as though people assume with our kind of hope that we intend to change the world. I intend on trying to change as many peoples minds as possible about various topics including this one. If that ends up being the world then AWESOME! If not then I did my best. The ONLY things that matter in this world are being kind, supportive, loving, non judgmental and NEVER bully. I will be writing a follow up about this topic and include men. I am finding this is bigger then I thought. We aren't perfect people all the time but i work every day at being a better person more and more until it is ALL of me. You have a support system. The Hidden Fox is here, I AM HERE! I really feel better knowing others are out there and are speaking up. Never be ashamed to say you hurt. Thank you again for your strength. XO

  3. Our society as a whole is pretty judgmental.

    Maybe its because I'm simply around people who are on the other end of the spectrum. Take for instance a company like Southwest Airlines who has a long history of targeting "fat bodies" in the guise of safety regulations & having them publicly removed from a plane. Yet god forbid they quit shrinking the production size of the seats in order to squeeze more of us in a can like saradines.

    Or getting dirty looks from a waitress because of what we order (congratulations, you just lost our tip).

    These attitudes & policies have become instutionalized because they know that we as the consumer will simply grab our ankles & take it.

    1. It's all about working on changing the thought process to change things like that. HF is trying to reach as many people as it can to end those kinds of behaviors. No one should feel like a sardine in a can. :)

  4. Hey Mimi!

    I feel the need to comment today because I've seen that picture, and a bunch of pics like that, on facebook too, and I think it's totally misguided. I'm sure that whoever made that picture was trying to make women with curves feel better about their bodies and stop torturing themselves to be a shape that they're not. But what it does instead is vilify girls who ARE that shape, and it turns into the whole "why girls hate each other" video that you posted (which I totally dug). Why do we spend SO much time comparing ourselves to each other, and to this poster-girl idea of what is beautiful? Imagine the self-esteem we'd all have if we spent that time and energy seeing and appreciating the amazingness in each other and ourselves? Enough with the catty competition!

    I also feel I should add that Marilyn Monroe TOTALLY tortured herself, always trying to be beautiful, AND always trying to be taken seriously in an industry and a world dominated by men who, guess what, judge you completely on how you look. She wrote poetry, did you know that? No one knows that. Because everyone wants to see the busty blond sing "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" and "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" instead. Her beauty and fame did not make her happy. It did not make her life easier. It made her life tragic.

    What it really should be all about is loving the body you're in and treating yourself with the love and respect you deserve. And that's what I love about Hidden Fox. The messages are always so self-empowering. And self-monitoring. The skulk is encouraged to keep themselves in check. Reminded to be kind to others as well as to themselves. And your blogs are always filled with words of self-improvement and following your dreams. Keep it up, girl. It's a beautiful message to the world.

    1. Thank you so much! Everything you feel about Hidden Fox is exactly what I hoped I was projecting to everyone. Just like there are many things about Miss Monroe that people do not know, the same goes for Edgar Allen Poe. Two very tortured souls who are completely misrepresented. I truly believe this post will live on and be revisited. Ladies and Gents, please keep in mind how important it is to be the best person you can be for yourself first. Second, for the world around you. We all learn from each other. Spread the love and the good just like Kathy has! Thank you again and lets keep it going! <3
