Today has already flown by because I slept waaaay too late. I have many places to go, so many chores at home and class at 5:30 DANGIT! I know I wont get it all done but if I can get a lot of it done I wont feel like a total waste.
Update on the business plan progress... Some crazy crap has been getting me down and killing my super excited high. I decided last night that no matter what, I achieved greatness in this class, got a lot of really helpful and amazing info and met a ton of really great people! My chances of winning the competition are slim because there are people who really deserve it. I feel like I could really use a break at this point but other people are way more ready then I am. It makes me sad cuz I really wanted to win but I have spent so much time trying to do other things that I lost my drive to get MY business going. I don't want to put my dreams on hold. I don't want to waste more time and get older. I want to start this now. Its going to take so much time and energy and I am pushing my dreams aside to pay my bills. No more. I just want this to bad to push my happiness aside and I can honestly tell you, I am currently NOT happy and I Strongly Dislike that. So I will continue to work on my plan but at a far less rushed pace. I still have some things I need to work out and handing in a made up plan just so I can compete is stupid, at least to me.
I am ready to start putting some things into production and moving forward. I need to do this little by little and work up to getting everything squared away instead of trying to do it all at once with money i don't have. If I want for the money I could be waiting a long time and I'm not willing to wait any longer.
I hope this helps some of you to shoot forward and start creating your own dream instead of waiting for it or listening to others say that you aren't ready. Just jump in and go for it. If you make mistakes, that is just the path you were meant to take. Some of the most successful companies were started by people that know even less then I do so, LETS DO THIS! YEAH!!!!
Damn it feels good to have a sewing machine back! Thank you Dan Auer!

Starting your own business is a hard road and terrifying road. It's a constant learning experience with lots of excitement and many challenges. Here you will read about the journey of The Hidden Fox clothing brand and my day to day adventures and experiences through this process. I hope this blog inspires you to make your own dreams come to life. XO, Mimi Fox
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Are you afraid of the dark?
(I wrote this a few nights ago. Enjoy!)
Night time is always rough for me. I may have mentioned that before but I am sitting here watching Family guy and thinking about my day. The dogs are all kinda mellow and we have all eaten dinner and are now taking some time to relax. I sent my last emails of the day out and I'm making some last min notes for SGB (Some Girls Boutique.) I had Boot Camp tonight which is always fun but I haven't gotten much closer to a name for my business. I actually can't remember if I told you all that before but I am really struggling with a name. I did have one but decided against it. For various reasons actually.
I really think emotions come out at night. I also find myself doing most of my reflecting at night. I have been feeling extremely stressed lately about finishing my business plan, figuring out a name for the business, trying to handle Boot camp and 2 jobs. It's been quite the journey. Tonight at Boot camp a lot of my class mates reached out to me and my instructor Janet has been such a big supporter. They really helped me mellow out. I actually received an email from a class mate (Sue Shipe) a few mins ago that said " You're doing great and we all take you very seriously. You're gonna do it, Girl!!" I was so excited to hear that people were taking me seriously for once! I feel like I'm finally being heard! The feeling is pretty much better then winning an award at this point. I really can't describe how amazing the support is and how wonderful it feels! Especially because I was feeling that Upstate NY is such a cold spot for support and love! I am finding that I really just need to be around the right people. I am also realizing a lot of my "friends" on Facebook aren't actually people who love and support me. Changes will be made in time and I know that the more I am around entrepreneurs and other positive people, the more I will be around the right people.
Night time is always rough for me. I may have mentioned that before but I am sitting here watching Family guy and thinking about my day. The dogs are all kinda mellow and we have all eaten dinner and are now taking some time to relax. I sent my last emails of the day out and I'm making some last min notes for SGB (Some Girls Boutique.) I had Boot Camp tonight which is always fun but I haven't gotten much closer to a name for my business. I actually can't remember if I told you all that before but I am really struggling with a name. I did have one but decided against it. For various reasons actually.
I really think emotions come out at night. I also find myself doing most of my reflecting at night. I have been feeling extremely stressed lately about finishing my business plan, figuring out a name for the business, trying to handle Boot camp and 2 jobs. It's been quite the journey. Tonight at Boot camp a lot of my class mates reached out to me and my instructor Janet has been such a big supporter. They really helped me mellow out. I actually received an email from a class mate (Sue Shipe) a few mins ago that said " You're doing great and we all take you very seriously. You're gonna do it, Girl!!" I was so excited to hear that people were taking me seriously for once! I feel like I'm finally being heard! The feeling is pretty much better then winning an award at this point. I really can't describe how amazing the support is and how wonderful it feels! Especially because I was feeling that Upstate NY is such a cold spot for support and love! I am finding that I really just need to be around the right people. I am also realizing a lot of my "friends" on Facebook aren't actually people who love and support me. Changes will be made in time and I know that the more I am around entrepreneurs and other positive people, the more I will be around the right people.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Wishful Wednesday.
Good Afternoon you beautiful bunnies! How is everyone doing?
"I could never own my own business" and that is exactly why people like myself were created. Though I have cried my tears and been more stressed then I care to admit, I still have all the desire in the world to pursue this. It isn't easy but no one ever said it would be. In fact, everyone reminds me on a daily basis that is increasingly hard. In class last night we hear a bunch of horror stories. I think it was great to hear how everyone else struggled but still made it through. It seems that with every horror story there was a happy ending or they learned a huge lesson. No matter what, they kept pushing forward. Some faced huge law suits and some just hit a few crappy road blocks but still, they pushed through.
I have a friend who is currently struggling with his profession. It has been his passion his whole life and he puts it first. Only someone who truly loves what they do is willing to sacrifice everyone and everything around them to make a dream come true. I think most of us agree that he should have some balance and I think he too is realizing that. However, this friend has wanted to give up so many times and has cried so many tears and yet even in all of his defeat, keeps moving forward. Courage tears. The tears you cry when it seems impossible but you take one more step when you want to give up. Many people have read of heard about "The Secret." One of the statements in that book is that sometimes you can be so close to the thing you most desire and that point when you give up, is the point at which the thing you want was one more step away. If you give up, you could lose all the hard work you put in to having your dreams come true. So when life seems to be at its hardest and you can't push anymore. push one last time and I bet, no, I KNOW you will be surprised by where that one last step leads you.
Its funny that I say all of this to you and last night i had a head ache all through class. At the end of class I really didn't know how I was going to have my business plan done by next Tues (which is when it is due.) It felt impossible...but one person turned it around and encouraged me to keep pressing on...take one more step forward. Thanks JANET TANGUAY! Hahah and not I am pretty confident I can have the task done ON TIME!!!
In the words of my top Favorite movie..."Never Give Up" ~What Dreams May Come. (yes also a book.)
Until Next Time!
Mimi Bunny!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Hey all you lovely, beautiful, incredible people!!
I missed you all so much! Ok, so I am vowing to get back on track with my blogs and update you with what is going on!
As you know I am taking the Entrepreneur Boot Camp class at my local Albany/Colonie Chamber of commerce with Janet Tanguay! Probably one of the coolest people I know (she is also and amazing artist and aunthor! She gave me a copy of one of her childrens books for my birthday! HOW AWESOME!) Well I am still waitressing at a country club but I decided to make some positive life choices and dive into my dream for my own company. So after much thought and some serious tears and frustration, I drove down to a local boutique that I had done some work with years ago and found myself a mentor! The shop is called Some Girls Boutique and it is currently owned by Margaret Partyka! Check out there blog here!
I missed you all so much! Ok, so I am vowing to get back on track with my blogs and update you with what is going on!
As you know I am taking the Entrepreneur Boot Camp class at my local Albany/Colonie Chamber of commerce with Janet Tanguay! Probably one of the coolest people I know (she is also and amazing artist and aunthor! She gave me a copy of one of her childrens books for my birthday! HOW AWESOME!) Well I am still waitressing at a country club but I decided to make some positive life choices and dive into my dream for my own company. So after much thought and some serious tears and frustration, I drove down to a local boutique that I had done some work with years ago and found myself a mentor! The shop is called Some Girls Boutique and it is currently owned by Margaret Partyka! Check out there blog here!
;)I'm bursting at the seams with excitement! Not only has Margaret agreed to show me the way, she has also given me a job! Totally sweet I know! Ok soooo, from here on out I'm am sure you will all hear a ton more about SGB and the "Bunnyhood."
As a side note update about SGB, we are doing a lot to spruce up the Iboutique on the website so your best bet is to come on in and check out what we have in stock. So many lovely things need homes! (Have I used too many "!!!!!" ??? hahha WHO CARES!) I will be posting a lot of pics but for now you can check out some awesome stuff on the SGB website and post comments below! I can't wait for you to all join this journey with me and create the biggest Bunnyhood this world has ever seen!
Mimi Bunny out!
P.s.There will also be a lot of info about the people in my class and all the lovely new businesses everyone is creating!
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