Monday, May 23, 2011

Quitting time!

So to let you all know, it was a great run but I no longer work at the bakery. Let's just say "it wasn't working out." Hey, when you get stuck in a rut you need to change things to improve your situation. Well I know that when I become "Espy" my evil alter ego, that it's time to make some changes. I did get a new job and I can't wait to tell you all about it! Today will not be the day for that.

I wanted to talk about summer for bit. Yes that's right! We have finally moved out of the cold and into the awesome! though it has been raining like crazy in Upstate NY, I am very excited for summer! I think I have landed a pretty sweet summer job. I am also working on getting my motor cycle license and getting my bicycle in shape for some serious cruising. Its a 3 wheeled adult trike that I got at the end of the season last year so I am super ready to take it out! I took it for a ride to the laundry mat with one of my little boys a few weeks ago. I am planning a trip to the park this week for a few laps. we will see! Pics soon! oh wait I may have one!..nope but ill take ones. I'm trying to secure a front basket, travel tire pump and a water bottle holster before any major trips. The thing about riding my bike around here is that there are always huge hills and my bike doesn't have no bueno. BUT, it's an awesome ride! One day I will have a vespa but until then, trike it is!

ok well I downloaded an app on my phone that will hopefully keep me in better communication with you all. Sorry about the laps in time but hey, that is part of the reason changes had to be made!


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