Friday, November 25, 2011

Hurry Up and WAIT!

Ah yes, the holiday season. What a CRAZY time of year. Its always interesting to see who comes out to join the world in a shopping takeover. Well, last night I decided to brave the crowds and go to Best Buy to pick up a pretty sweet printer. I am sorry to say I missed out only an hour into the store being open...My friend Crystal, ended up with a really sweet flat screen tv! We waited a very long time in line (1.5hrs) but we talked about a lot. We used the time to catch up, vent, laugh and complain about how thirsty we were. We saw a young boy pass out, a pregnant lady stand way longer then she should have, a few friends and a lot of the backs of peoples heads...hahaha. It was a fun experience. I find waiting in lines to be "part of life." I didn't really mind at all.Though I ended up walking out with nothing I felt like the quality time was worth it. It was almost as if the experience was meant to happen so we could bond over something as silly as shopping at 2am! I don't get to do a lot of family holiday shopping so it was nice to have someone there. I didn't really see any prices I was super excited about, guess I really am too cheap! Hey, when I make the money I dream about, it will make all the past heart ache worth it! Crap, should have gone to this one store for Hello Kitty...DANGIT! Hahahah, oh well! :)

When I woke up this morning I felt like I'd been out all night partying. Head not right, stomach aching for food, not really wanting to get up but really pushing myself to not sleep until work at 6pm. So I woke up at 11am and got out of bed at 11:30. Not super bad for going to bed close to 5am. Man I'm going to sleep like a baby tonight. Hopefully a really quiet and peaceful baby. Not a screaming, uncomfortable, "I want my mommy" baby.

I also woke up to quite a few text messages. One being this little guy...
Dan sent it to me! I didn't totally think it was a fox but I guess the tag confirms it. His ears aren't very fox like but boy is his face freaking cute!

You can check out other "Fox Sightings" in the Facebook album.

I'm still working on getting some merch, business cards, etc. I feel like I can spend so much time working and not get much done. I guess I better look into working smart and not harder. Hmmm.

I really hope everyone had a great Foxgiving and didn't eat too much. I bet at some point today you will feel hungry. When you do, think back to how full you may have felt. I bet you will be totally surprised you could ever be hungry again. I LOVE FOOD! I can hardly even go past my threshold for food so over eating doesn't happen much. Maybe a total of 2 times in my life.

Alright! Time to get some work done. Blog post? Check. On to the next one.

Mimi Fox!

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